We picked up Bo yesterday at about noon from his foster home. We had a big day. We went to the Clinton County humane society first to fill out the information they need and to pay Bo's adoption fee. His foster mom was sad to see him go, but she knew he was coming to a good home, so I think that made her feel a little better.
When we got home, we took him for a walk because I wanted to see how he would act on a leash. He did great. It was really hot, so we didn't walk for long. When we came back in, we ate lunch, and we just let Bo walk around and explore. After lunch, we watched a movie with the kids while the baby took a nap and Bo just laid on the floor and napped, too. Sophia had gymnastics at 4:30, and I didn't want to leave Bo alone on the first day, so I just took him with us. Joshua and I walked him around outside while Sophia had gymnastics and then we went out to a horse farm to see one of my friends from high school. Bo was just perfect. He didn't chase the horses or anything. He was on a leash, but he didn't pull or anything, just stayed right beside me. He did have fun playing in a mud puddle, but we hosed him off before we got back in the van. He jumped right up in the van when we went to gymnastics and when we went back home from the horses. We were watching TV before bed and I was laying on the floor and he just laid right beside me. I put up the baby gate last night and he wined a little bit but I went back downstairs to check and he was curled up on the couch. I got up early this morning to let him out to go pee and he didn't want to come back inside, so he stayed
So I think he had a great day. He seems a little scared sometimes when the kids yell and scream, but I'm sure he'll get used to them soon. He didn't play fetch last night, but I think he was just worn out from his big day.
Thank you for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society. We were pleased to help you find the perfect four-legged friend to add to your family. Bo is very lucky to have found you!
This is such a wonderful blog about Bo. Thanks for giving him a wonderful home. We are so happy that you adopted him from our shelter.